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This kit is for the makers who are ready to start making plywood boards, and get right to it! Below is a breakdown of this kit and its contents.

This kit includes the following-

OG plans. Building cornhole boards efficiently, and simply is the goal from 4x8' sheets of plywood. Where 3 sheets = 4 complete sets. Over 1000 builders are using these plans!

Leg Fixture. This is the tool you want to be able to put in your leg blank from the plans, using your spiral flush cut bit to cut the features and drill your holes. That simple. You'll be instructed how to drill your frame holes in the plans using your perfect leg.

Frame alignment Jigs. These are used to square your frame onto the top. They set the distance you need to be repeatable and precise every time. They are built to fit the plans as well!

Handle Jig. This is a simple tool you will use with the same spiral flush cut bit to cut handles into your side rails.

Frame Jigs. These are mounted to a bench of your choosing to insert the frame cuts into and build your frames. You will receive 2 T's and 4 L's in this kit to match the plans.

This is a $325 value!

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